Seshat 2: Autumn 1998


paperback, 27.5 x 18 cm, 80 pages
UK £7.00 (plus postage and packing: £1.50 to the UK, £3.80 to Europe, £5.00 to the rest of the world)

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Seshat 2 (Cover)Articles: Apples, immortality, and the other world (J-L Le Quellec), Beyond poetry: metaphysical silence (Grazia Marchianò), Eros and death: the Angel of Death in Jewish literature (Yehuda Shamir).

Prose: Excerpt from The Star Child (Dwina Murphy-Gibb).

Poetry by Anthony James, Martina Evans.

Translations from Fabiola Scaunich, Gustavo Becquer, Yoruba invocation.