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In Print

Sappho of Lesbos

Sappho of Lesbos Poems The Greek text edited and translated by Terence DuQuesne. New edition, revised in light of the finds announced in 2004 and 2014, with audio CD and audio file download code. Sappho of Lesbos was celebrated across the Greco-Roman world for the sublime beauty of her verse, …

The Salakhana Trove

Votive Stelae and Other Objects from Asyut Terence DuQuesne with the collaboration of Sabah Abdel Razek, Edmund S Meltzer, Janet M Johnstone & Geoffrey J Tassie (Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology VII) The fruit of fifteen years’ research, this new book documents the 600 votive stelae and other objects discovered in …

The Jackal Divinities of Egypt I

From the Archaic Period to Dynasty X Terence DuQuesne (Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology VI) This volume is the first comprehensive study of the jackal deities of Egypt during the pharaonic period and the result of nearly twenty years’ research. The author studies the iconography, nature, and functions of Anubis and …

Spirits of the West

Terence DuQuesne (Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology VIII) In ancient Egyptian religion, the Spirits of the West are divine entities who convey the Sun across the night sky. They are often found in the form of jackals and are connected with the better-known jackal gods, such as Anubis in his capacity …

Proofs of Heaven

New Poems 1995-2001 Terence DuQuesne This volume of poetry celebrates one of the most prolific periods in the work of this author. These poems are powerful attestations of love and spiritual depth with a strong Egyptian association. “He is no nightingale But he has learned To sing sweet songs….” Prebendal …

Thunder and Lotus

Selected Poems 1995-1997 Terence DuQuesne In this book the poet writes of deep relationships and of extraordinary experiences, both scholarly and spiritual, in the sands of Egypt. “Everyone said Stay safe But I shall go out Into the thunder again….” Prebendal Publications, 1997 paperback, 23.5 x 18 cm, 64 pages …

Power Over Fire

Collected Poems 1986-1995 Terence DuQuesne All the author’s poems composed during the period 1986-1995 are included in this volume. Most are previously unpublished, though all the poems in DuQuesne’s Caduceus (1987) have been reprinted here. This collection illustrates the range and depth of the author’s verse, the inspiration for which …


Poems and Translations Terence DuQuesne Thirteen of Terence DuQuesne’s own poems, plus eight translations made with DuQuesne’s characteristic flair and dedication, from texts in Greek, Coptic, and Hieroglyphic Egyptian. Like a worm-hole into another time, this book takes us back to the worship of ancient gods – Hecate, Selene, Osiris, …

Anubis, Upwawet, and Other Deities

Personal Worship and Official Religion in Ancient Egypt Terence DuQuesne Catalogue of the Jackal Deities exhibition at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, March-April 2007 Supreme Council of Antiquities, Cairo, 2007 A4, paperback, 78 pages, profusely illustrated in colour ISBN 977-437-231-X